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Friday, November 15

1:30pm AEDT

An ecology of open educational practices: mapping, describing, and enhancing OEP in higher education [ID 115]
Friday November 15, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEDT
Research concentrating on open education often focuses on the processes of production and storage for open educational resources (OER), methods of learning design and instruction (open-enabled pedagogies), barriers and enablers to practice, or the resulting outcomes for students such as cost savings or achievement. Practitioner-focused research tends toward narrow scope and circumstance and is usually concerned with bounded activities that do not holistically capture the practitioner-in-environment, or explore the localised effects of environment on practice. Engagement with open educational practices (OEP) is predicated on a complex web of inter-connected, and inter-dependant factors and situating the practitioner in an environment of practice – henceforth the Ecology of Open Practice – provides an opportunity to deeply explore the influences (both positive and negative) that affect individual and institutional manifestations of OEP.

This presentation reports on research using a mixed methods approach, administering a quantitative survey and applying initial analysis to qualitative semi-structured interviews with key staff at three case study sites. The resulting thick description from active practitioners, coupled with institutional history, policy, and procedure documentation, learning and teaching practices, and partnerships provides a case site narrative through which the Ecology of Open Educational Practice emerges. The resulting ecological framework provides a rationale for localised practice, and identifies both opportunities and challenges for each site.

Commonality emerged across the case sites, particularly relating to practitioner values as underpinning practice, the degree to which practitioners exhibited open fluency, the mediating effects of support for OEP, the role of policy, and the state of the national higher education landscape as it affects local learning and teaching. The major themes were mapped against Bronfenbrenner’s Ecology of Human Development (1979) to provide a framework for each site.

The approach employed by this research is a transferable framework for understanding OEP, and its strength lies in unearthing contextual factors. The research is situated in the Australia higher education context, yet nothing impedes implementation in other settings or countries. Bronfenbrenner’s work has not previously been applied to OEP, but the outcomes of this research articulate and illustrate its use as a framework for deep inquiry.

Arising from this research is a reinforcement of the inter-connectedness of institutional and national influences on OEP, and the limitations of siloed, isolated initiatives to support OEP. Policy implementation without communication or embedded support, institutional strategy that causes values-based dissonance for practitioners, learning and teaching support mechanisms demarcated – and disconnected - by organisational unit lines, and government-mandated performance-based funding models inconsistent with the values of higher education all emerged as influences present at the institution, yet ineffective and inefficient due to a lack of coherency across institutional teams and stakeholders. Open educational practices – situated within the Ecology – require an acknowledgement of a wider stakeholder base as the effects, support for, and outcomes of OEP permeate the institution.

Ultimately, this research takes the stance that OEP in higher education is ‘everyone’s business’, and provides a framework for authentic engagement with long-term activities to build flourishing ecologies of open practice.

Included in [Session 11D]: OEP in Higher Education (Workshops)

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Harvard University Press.

Author Keywords
Open educational practices, Higher education, Ecological model

Adrian Stagg

University of Southern Queensland
Friday November 15, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEDT
P1 - workshop

2:30pm AEDT

Launching Open Education Down UndOER: The empowering partnership of grassroots community and industry leadership [ID 106]
Friday November 15, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm AEDT
Building on the success of North American open practitioners, Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand are rapidly developing their understanding and capacity for open educational practices as key to empowering equitable access to education and enhancing the student learning experience.

A significant outcome of this growth is the development of the open text, Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies. The text promotes inclusivity, accessibility, diversity, and equity in open education with an emphasis on sustainability. This session marks the official launch of this critical text, showcasing the open educational practices of academics, information professionals and learning and teaching teams, inspiring educators and institutions to embrace open practices through practical, succinct case studies. In addition, it fosters an open education learning network which will be extended to encompass the audience during this interactive session, as “Open is Everyone’s Business.”

Leveraging a key advantage of OER as an iterative tool, the presenters will prompt, survey and analyse participants’ navigation of the text, eliciting pathfinding patterns, refining keyword tags, and crowdsourcing topics for future case study inclusions. Using a citizen science framework, participants will discuss and reflect on identified case studies drawn from Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies as the central learning tool.

The presenters look forward to engaging with the audience and sharing the official interactive launch of Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies.

About Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies

This text is the result of a strong partnership between two groups: • Australasian Open Educational Practice Special Interest Group (OEP SIG), a community-driven group leading the open education movement in Australasia, and • Open Educational Resources Collective, an initiative led by the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), leveraging the strength of networks within university libraries in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand.

The text is published on the shared open publishing platform (Pressbooks) managed by CAUL, the peak industry body for university libraries in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. One facet of CAUL’s leadership strategy is to build infrastructure and capacity to move the open education agenda forward at a national and regional level through active communities of practice, evolving guides, events, and an annual open textbook grant program. 

Included in [Session 11D]: OEP in Higher Education (Workshops)

Author Keywords
Inclusion, diversity, equity, access, Open access publishing, Open educational practices, Open practitioners, Open textbooks
avatar for Ash Barber

Ash Barber

@AshTheLibrarian, Council of Australian University Librarians | UniSA | OEP SIG
Ash Barber is the OER Collective Project Officer at the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL). Her substantive position is an Academic Librarian at the University of South Australia. Throughout her career in university libraries, her work has had a keen focus on the promotion... Read More →

Alice Luetchford

James Cook University

Steven Chang

La Trobe University / La Trobe eBureau

Jennifer Hurley

RMIT University

Sarah McQuillen

University of South Australia

Vi Truong

Charles Sturt University
Friday November 15, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm AEDT
P1 - workshop
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